so I am now in a place called Cacalotepec (which is pretty much like a Mexican Tremonton, for all of you reading this back home), with Hermana Rico
from Guadalajara/Guanajuato. She is super sweet. She got baptized when she
was 17 when she was visiting some family in Guadalajara (they happened to be
listening to the missionaries). She listened for 3 days, and then asked if she
could be baptized because she said that everything they taught made so much
sense. They baptized her at 11pm THAT night, and afterward she went back to
live with her family in Guanajuato. There was no church were she lived ---
and she
didn’t really know much about what normal members should do,
so she was
"inactive" for 2 years when missionaries found her again.
But all that
time she read the Book of Mormon and the church books she had,
so she had a
killer testimony when she started going to church.
We are “opening”
Cacalotepec as the first sister missionaries here in the 50 years that the ward
has existed. The members are pretty excited to see us, and we are equally
excited to get to know them. I know that we are going to see AMAZING things
happen in this area.
Speaking of amazing things…
When the elders that were here before us were
telling us about what to expect, they told us that on Saturday there was going
to be a baptismal service
for a boy in the ward named Orlando. That was pretty
But what was cooler, was when we
actually met Orlando.
Orlando is 17 years old
and is disabled physically, but I don’t know if I have ever met somebody that
has accepted the gospel and lived it as fully as him.
He met the missionaries
about 6 months ago when they knocked on his door
and since then has been a
faithful church-goer, and an incredible example for everyone here. Even though
he might not have all of the same capabilities physically as everyone else, he
has a testimony and spirit beyond strong.
Sometimes I just can’t
wrap my little mind around all that Heavenly Father
has let me witness here in
Mexico. There are literally miracles happening
every other second. That makes
me think of a sweet scripture that I love:
"Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us
cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still,
with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God,
and for his arm to be revealed"
with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God,
and for his arm to be revealed"
(Doctrine and Covenants 123:17)
So, really in life we
can only do what we can do and then wait to see what happens. Sooner or later,
if we are working our hardest, being obedient,
and have the faith sufficient,
we will undoubtedly "see the salvation of God"
and his hand guiding
everything we do. I have seen it countless times here in the mission and I am
excited to keep seeing it happen here in Cacalotepec.
Love you all. Love my
new area and new comp. Love this gospel.
Con amor, Hermana Jones
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